Basics of SwitchManager


SwitchManager establishes a connection to the LLC, configures the switch as specified in the configuration file and begins to monitor the switch. SwitchManager generates an alarm.log file that logs all API messages sent to and from the switch, and a file. Use the alarm.log file to debug configuration issues and to diagnose run-time problems that may occur.

Important! In some cases, the sequence number of an API message in an alarm.log is different from the sequence number shown in a socket.log.

You will see many messages displayed in the SwitchManager windows. These API messages are also viewable in the alarm.log file. Messages to cards referenced in the sample configuration file that you do not have in your system are rejected by the switch with a negative acknowledgment (NACK). When debugging a configuration, begin by analyzing the first NACK in the alarm.log file. Many times, multiple alarms are propagated from one initial problem. By fixing the initial problem, subsequent alarms may be eliminated as well

System Start-up Behavior

SwitchManager will connect to LLC. The configuration file specified when starting SwitchManager must include at least one AddLLCNode () command. LLC will initiate connections to all nodes specified in these commands and continue to configure according to the configuration file.


Important! When the Switch Manager reconnects to the LLC, AddLLCNode messages are sent from the Switch Manager to the LLC. This causes the LLC to open a socket (connection) to the Excel platform and the AssignNode message (which is the switch-level equivalent of AddLLCNode) is sent to the Excel platform.

Running SwitchManager Automatically

If you have modified your shortcuts for Windows to include your configuration file name, select SwitchManager from your Start® Programs menu. The command line arguments are set in SwitchConfig. See Running SwitchKit Components Automatically at Startup.